
  • 470 BC

    The city of Naples is founded as a Greek Colony (Neapoli). At this period the ~10 km long Bolla Aqueduct is constructed.
  • 326 BC

    Romans conquer the city of Neapoli.

  • 30-20 BC

    The 100 km long Serino Aqueduct (or Aqua Augusta or Claudius Aqueduct) is constructed to supplement the Bolla Aqueduct.
  • 4th c. AD

    The Serino Aqueduct is restored under Claudius. Even so, due to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes it becomes partly inactive 100-200 years later.

  • 6th c. AD

    After the Serino aqueduct is dismissed, the city is serviced by many local wells and springs, as well as the Bolla aqueduct.

  • 1629

    During the vice royal times (16th – 18th century) Naples had an extraordinary growth, and water needs increased. Cesare Carmignano builds the homonymous Carmignano Aqueduct in 1629.

  • 1880s

    After the unification of Italy (1860) and in the wake and hygiene problems in Naples, a modern pressure aqueduct starts to be built in 1881 to replace the two previous ones. Before the construction is over and the modern safe aqueduct is put in use a cholera outbreak in 1884 kills 14,000 people in Naples, mostly poor. With the construction of the modern aqueduct the service of Bolla reaches an end after constant function for more than two millennia!
  • 1940s

    Many parts of the aqueducts of Naples and their cisterns are converted to raids shelters during the World War II.

  • Today

    “Underground Naples” including part of its network of tunnels, hundreds of wells and cisterns, the huge Piscina Mirabilis etc. are open to public and become a popular site for tourists.

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