Credits / Resources

This case study has been compiled in phase III of HYDRIA 2012-13 (phase III) with the support of the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF).


Author: Ms Eirini Gratsia

Greek Translation: Ms Varvara Vasilaki

Coordination: Ms Iro Alampei

Resources (Greek)

  • Γ. Kουλικούρδη, Aίγινα I, εκδ. Πιτσιλός, Aθήνα, 1990
  • Μ. Γιαννοπούλου, E. Γρατσία, Χ. Δημητροπούλου, Ελ. Παπαθωμά, Με αφορμή μια στάμνα, Kέντρο Mελέτης Nεώτερης Kεραμεικής (KMNK), Aθήνα 1999
  • E. Γρατσία, Χ. Δημητροπούλου, Ελ. Παπαθωμά, Tα αγγειοπλαστικά κέντρα της Aίγινας και η παραγωγή τους από το πρώτο μισό του 19ου ως τα μέσα του 20ού αιώνα, Αιγιναία 23 (2012), 11-28.


Video (in greek) of Nektarios Garis making one vessel in 2009:

A few words about MONUMENTA

MONUMENTA is a non-profit civil company for the protection of the natural and architectural heritage of Greece and Cyprus, created in 2006 by a team of archaeologists, architects and environmetalists wishing to contribute to the protection and the equitable management of the natural and architectural wealth of the two countries.Its activities include the publication of the electronic magazine MONUMENTA (, programmes for informing the public and students, interventions for the rescue of monuments in danger, organisation of events, publications etc.The programme “Local Communities & Monuments”, applied in various parts of Greece, aims so that the citizens themselves act for the protection of the natural and manmade environment of their region, and explores the relation between local communities around the world with their cultural and natural heritage.