Credit / Resources

This case study has been compiled during HYDRIA – Phase I (2008-2009) with the support of the UNESCO Participation Program and the EU Core funding of MIO-ECSDE.


Research & Text Author: Mr Ziyad Alawneh, Director, Land and Human to Advocate Progress (LHAP), E: ,  

Text Editing: Iro Alampei, Anastasia Roniotes & Celia Roniotes (MIO-ECSDE)

A few words on Land and Human to Advocate Progress (LHAP)

Founded in 2000 as a non-profit making, private organization, the Land and Human to Advocate Progress (LHAP) serves as a consulting and a partner organization to influence, encourage and assist local communities throughout Jordan to ensure a better management on natural resources in a sound and ecologically sustainable manner. LHAP hosts in its office the Mediterranean Ecological Media Network (MedEcomedia), a network designed to enhance the capacity of environmental media in covering and communicating priority information at local, national, and regional.

LHAP also hosts the Arab Network for Environment and Development, Jordan Branch (RAED) the umbrella for the Arab Sustainable Development the NGOs. LHAP is comprised of major arms that work to fulfill its objectives such as the Network of Experts, Youth for Sustainable Development and Media for Sustainable Development.

LHAP is a full member of MIO-ECSDE and a partner to MEdIES.

P.O.Box 340636, Amman 11134