Credits / Resources
This case study has been compiled during HYDRIA – Phase I (2008-2009) with the support of the UNESCO Participation Program and the EU Core funding of MIO-ECSDE.
Text author: Patrizia Ponelli (Scholé Futuro)
Text editing: Iro Alampei, Anastasia Roniotes, and Celia Roniotes (MIO-ECSDE)
1997: De Rossi Giovanni Maria, L’approvvigionamento idrico a Ventotene, in Atlante Tematico di Topografia Antica, II, pp.185-192.
1998: La Cisterna dei carcerati e l’approvvigionamento idrico in età romana nell’isola di Ventotene, pp. 1-32, Roma, Guidotti ed.
1999: Ventotene e S. Stefano (III ed. con aggiunte), pp. 1-108, Roma, Guidotti ed.
Ponza e Ventotene: analisi dello sviluppo topografico, in La Forma della città e del territorio, Roma, pp.147-156.
2000: L’esilio di Giulia a Ventotene. Quad.Dip.ScienzeAnt. Univ.Salerno, 24, pp. 167-124
Jean-Pierre Adam “Roman building art: Materials and techniques”, 1999
Dante Bartoli, “Rediscovering Ancient Ventotene Research Project: An Integrated Project of Terrestrial and Maritime Archaeology, plus Conservation” PROMARE, 2008;
Available at
Contacts to the site
Municipality of Ventotene:
Mayor (2009): dott. Assenso Giuseppe
T: 0771. 85181 / 349 8212451 E:
Councillor responsible for tourism and trade (2009): Giuseppe Pepe
T: 0771.85365 / 3337067902 E:
Α few words on Istituto per l’Ambiente e l’Educazione Scholé Futuro (ScholÉ Futuro)
The Institute for Environment and Education Scholé Futuro is a no profit cultural association, set in many Italian regions. It was founded in 1982 and its main purpose is to develop environmental preservation through different activities such as research, cultural promotion, planning, training and consulting (focusing mainly on education on environment and sustainable development).
Information’s dissemination is pursued through the publication of books, Cd-Rom and a monthly publication (eco, Sustainable Education), the first and only Italian magazine for environmental education.
Scholé Futuro is involved in many projects on knowledge and promotion of cultural and environmental patrimony, on cultural and scientific communication, on research related to environmental education and sustainable development. In particular the Institute is part of networks at international and European level and hosts the WEEC – World Environmental Education Congresses- Permanent Secretariat. It is also partner association of the Italian Ministry of Environment in the Task Force on Sustainable Consumption.
Via Bligny 15,10122 Torino
T/F: 0114366522 E: W: